Lindsay Lewis

English/ ESL consultant: Word worker, writer, teacher, mentor and poet. Author of This Won’t Hurt a Bit! on writing clear content.

Gifted Learners

Posted by on Jun 13, 2019

These days, I have the pleasure of meeting gifted learners. Some of them have a designated learning challenge. From my experience, they are so bright, they can’t slow down to the mundane level of school. Unfortunately, the educational system can only bend so far as there are so many students. If memory is an issue, break the content into smaller chunks. Go forwards and backwards. Show the...

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Gender neutral pronouns. Crossing the linguistic bridge.

Posted by on Jun 30, 2018

I have just written a proposal to the Oxford Dictionary committee that the word e (pronounced E) be created as a gender neutral third person singular pronoun. English would have he/ she / e / to describe trans-gendered people who do not identify strongly with either male or female traits. I met a store clerk the other day who was wearing the same blue nail polish as I was. I had blue toes and...

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Speech: Your business suit

Posted by on Mar 1, 2016

A few years ago, I was in New York, returning from a Yankees vs Mariners baseball game. On the subway, fans were discussing the game. I was listening to one man speak and within 30 seconds, I had ascertained that he was from Seattle. I said to him, “Oh, you are from Seattle!I’m from Victoria.” Shocked, he asked, “How do you know?” “I’m a linguist”,...

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