Lindsay Lewis

English/ ESL consultant: Word worker, writer, teacher, mentor and poet. Author of This Won’t Hurt a Bit! on writing clear content.

How to Ace English Provincial Exams

Posted by on Jun 13, 2019

The provincial exam is very important for grade twelves, and can make or break a university admission. Here are some tips for successfully and easily attaining an A.

For the multiple choice, think of Goldilocks. One choice will be too broad, one too narrow and two will be close. Use elimination. Of the remaining two, look back at the text and ask yourself which one best suits the answer. All answers are in the stories or poems.

For the essays, always follow this formula which is quick, easy and logical. Begin with a hook, and lead into author , title and name of piece. For example, Childhood can be a time of discovery as the poem , “My Last Summer” by Freda Smith depicts.

Next, do a quick one sentence summary of the poem or story. If you refer to it later without this sentence, the writing will be illogical.

In this piece, the speaker describes his last childhood summer in Nova Scotia, which was bittersweet. 

Then , do your thesis.

The author’s character is depicted as curious, adventurous and naive. 

Now begin your main body paragraph with a topic sentence. NEVER PUT Quotations in a topic sentence. Follow the pattern of leading in, quotation and detailed proof and analysis.

For more writing tips, I suggest that you get my book , WRITING WON’T HURT A BIT! or contact me for details. Good luck!

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